Oct 26, 2017
Nature is both awe inspiring, and at other times just plain confounding. This week we are confronted by two mysteries of nature that fall in the latter. You may never look at the sport of fishing the same again, and I am sure you are going to start checking yourself for ticks.
Oct 19, 2017
Crashing a wedding seems like a great idea in principle, but this week we meet a man who really misunderstood the concept. We also are reminded that some upgrades come with a price. A record breaking DELI is realized, and it feels a lot like the latest Chipotle experiment. Drive safe my friends.
Oct 12, 2017
Not all fedoras are created equal. This week we learn about one that is both sentimental and cheap all at the same time. Not all gift cards are created equal either even though they are designed to have value. One thing for sure is it is always exciting to get a new phone, unless of course you had a new phone that...
Oct 5, 2017
For some shopping is an art, for others it as hassle, but no matter where you fall on the spectrum finding a deal is the goal. When shopping for a car the negotiating process can leave you feeling like you got a good deal even if you didn't. A great price on a leather jacket or a watch may seem like a lucky break, but...