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Inside the Pallet House

In a time when Sports and Politics dominate the airwaves it has become evident that we need a podcast that focuses on the the never ending fight to solve our First World Problems. Inside the Pallet House gives you a look inside the lives of your hosts, and guests that join them to rate beers and bring their collective experiences together to conquer the problems that face us all.  Recorded every week in Richmond, VA, and listened to around the world.

Jan 31, 2019

Beer distribution laws are quirky at best.  Not quirky like hiring a coach to pull another coach from the sidelines to avoid the ref.  Not even quirky like responding to a text message chain that obviously wasn't for you, and then going so far as to show up at the event the group was talking about.  More like quirky in...

Jan 24, 2019

The times they are a changing.  We take a look back and to the future of the electric vehicle.  IPA's are trying to tackle a new market and chip away at light beers, and Gillette jumps into the fray of "toxic masculinity" for better or worse. 




Jan 17, 2019

Sometimes when you rarely leave the house the stories come to you.  Listeners reach out for good and bad, music festivals show up at your door, and images of idiots missing kicks fill your feed.  All you need is a 27 pound bucket of mac and cheese, and you may never have to leave again.



Jan 10, 2019

This week we recap the NFL playoffs, one crazy ski trip, the Concorde, played quarters, and a lot more...then the entire board crapped out and we lost it all.  So we did what what we do best, said F it and popped a DELI, and recorded a new episode in stunning VR.

Jan 3, 2019

We are back for our 3rd Holiday Drink Challenge, and while the results were not official until after the vote at least one result was easy to predict.  Unknown to the crew we were locked in the Pallet House, but we finally did make it out to see the New Year and celebrate the winner.