Aug 28, 2020
We had some big news in our universe this week, but it certainly paled in comparison to the news coming out of Liberty University. We aren't talking about kids going back to class. More like the kid who likes to watch another kid go back to class and take his tests for him while he hides in the bushes and watches. ...
Aug 21, 2020
Some things are best handled from a distance. When dealing with a venomous snake for example the more distance the better. Sending in your answers to your friends to read on the air instead of showing up yourself to deliver them might not be the best course of action. Pirate ships...well I am not sure if these are...
Aug 14, 2020
The true cost of an item is determined by how much someone is willing to pay for it; value on the other hand is something else entirely. We try out a new beer opener this week, and while the cost was not too bad, the value appears to be pretty low. Taco Bell's new burrito is a pretty good value, but getting the...
Aug 7, 2020
Life is full of curve balls, and that isn't always a bad thing. Growing an appendage on your arm only to find out that you can't have it placed where it belongs due to Covid, well that sucks. Running into an actual Karen in the park, only to score her number isn't that worst, unless you are the one who got...