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Inside the Pallet House

In a time when Sports and Politics dominate the airwaves it has become evident that we need a podcast that focuses on the the never ending fight to solve our First World Problems. Inside the Pallet House gives you a look inside the lives of your hosts, and guests that join them to rate beers and bring their collective experiences together to conquer the problems that face us all.  Recorded every week in Richmond, VA, and listened to around the world.

May 27, 2024

Showing up to gun fight with a knife is known to be a bad idea. Showing up in the same Costco pants as everyone else can be just as awkward though.  I guess they are both better than showing up to a Porsche meet in a Miata. 

May 19, 2024

Art is subjective that is for sure, but some art is universally accepted as pretty cool.  It should also be known that human nature means we will always play to the lowest common denominator.  When the two meet we should not be surprised at the results.  As primal as a snake chasing a mouse, we will do something stupid...

May 13, 2024

First world problems involve bad games of golf, and busted up cars.  We spend a lot of time focused on the small things.  We can also be reminded that there are much bigger issues for us to be concerned about.  This week that comes into focus. 

May 5, 2024

Nancy Reagan taught us that the patriotic thing was to just say No. This week we saw some unlikely heroes do something patriotic, and we sent all of our money in the name of them saying Yes.