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Inside the Pallet House

In a time when Sports and Politics dominate the airwaves it has become evident that we need a podcast that focuses on the the never ending fight to solve our First World Problems. Inside the Pallet House gives you a look inside the lives of your hosts, and guests that join them to rate beers and bring their collective experiences together to conquer the problems that face us all.  Recorded every week in Richmond, VA, and listened to around the world.

Jun 1, 2017

What you miss can often be more important that what you actually make.  Missing a significant other's birthday should have dire ramifications, but sometimes it can lend itself to unexpected bonuses.  Never getting an ailment fixed means you never have to know all that you were missing by having it rectified.  Motorcycles are usually a blast, but sometimes missing your mark can mean you get to ride yet another day.  Pranks have are often a source of joy among good friends, but as of late these tend to be more about causing harm and that seems to miss the point that made them great to begin with.  Records have always been special because of their impermanence, but this week we learn of a medium that takes this to another level and makes sure you will miss what you once had.