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Inside the Pallet House

In a time when Sports and Politics dominate the airwaves it has become evident that we need a podcast that focuses on the the never ending fight to solve our First World Problems. Inside the Pallet House gives you a look inside the lives of your hosts, and guests that join them to rate beers and bring their collective experiences together to conquer the problems that face us all.  Recorded every week in Richmond, VA, and listened to around the world.

May 29, 2023

We are joined this week by a fan favorite, Brendan's Dad, and he tells us about his tour of Ireland.  He is huge in Europe.  Cheers!

May 22, 2023

It has been done.  The guys from Squeezing Lemons have made a good Malort cocktail.  Don't just take our word for it, we even brought in reknowned food critic James Ford to get his take.

1 oz Malort

3/4 oz Pineapple Rum

3/4 oz Dark Rum

1/2 oz Pineapple Simple Syrup

3/4 oz Lime Juice

1/2 oz Dark Simple Syrup

1/2 oz...

May 13, 2023

We have so much science going down this week. Months of experiments with Malort may have finally yielded positive results. We are about to start some more daring experiments that will hopefully have positive results, and not end is one of us growing a tail. We also tackle the Golf Cart VS Golf Car debate.



May 8, 2023

We have an eye on retirement this week, as we are reminded of how difficult having a podcast can be.  The good news is there is a retirement community that has everything you could want just down the road. We take a deep dive on The Villages.