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Inside the Pallet House

In a time when Sports and Politics dominate the airwaves it has become evident that we need a podcast that focuses on the the never ending fight to solve our First World Problems. Inside the Pallet House gives you a look inside the lives of your hosts, and guests that join them to rate beers and bring their collective experiences together to conquer the problems that face us all.  Recorded every week in Richmond, VA, and listened to around the world.

Sep 22, 2016

An early Sunday morning provides the backdrop for this week's show.  Farm Aid has come and gone, but it has done its part to raise money for farmers while giving real and fake farmers alike a chance to hear some great bands.  While in the company of real farmers one must be careful not to use the "R" word, even if directed at the fake ones.  The pronunciation of words can also cause frustration in those who hear them; while the choice of words can result in revocation of one's man card.  A missed connection is delivered to Troy, and it hopefully it was done so in time.  We also learn a helpful life pro-tip:  Animals with fur are never you know.