Jul 28, 2016
Things can look very different depending on your perspective. For instance sitting on a couch in your yard provides a great view, but it looks pretty trashy to your neighbors. Fondue is loved by those who have 5 hours to kill, and despised by a person who is hungry now. Amazon is the perfect way to buy a gift, and...
Jul 21, 2016
The boat season window is a small one, but if you know where to go that small window can yield some amazing results. We hit the PPP festival to see what this party is all about, and I am not sure if the police were crashing our party, or if we crashed theirs. A first date is ruined, and a first tubing trip is as well,...
Jul 14, 2016
In this episode we start 155 years in the past, and somehow end up in the future. From the beginning we are reminded of what is really important, and along the way we are introduced to class of person who simply steals their valor. A Richmond rapper has officially arrived, and it isn't just his wit that people...
Jul 7, 2016
Great news everybody we have done some in depth research, and Brexit has had no negative effect on the economy. We meet a guy who is so fired up about his own independence that he puts together some choice words for the only people in a position to take his. Like magic freedom can be removed, and in other instances...