Jun 24, 2022
We keep learning about the benefits of the Brazilian, and this one we never saw coming. In fact there appear to more benefits to those than doing 3 day cleanses. We recap Father's Day, and you can clearly see the benefits of doing it sober VS well off the wagon.
Jun 17, 2022
Some of us are still on the wagon, but the episode goes off the rails quickly. We learn about all new drinking games, get a social media update, and debate the merits of some new manscaping ideas.
Jun 10, 2022
It has finally happened, the episode you all have been begging for. Stu is back, Troy and The Abacus are gone, and top it off Brendan is sober and sick. Yep it has the makings for a classic! At least we did find a true unicorn in the wild, and that may be miracle enough.
Jun 3, 2022
This week we discover a new Social Media app, and surprisingly we were reunited with an old podcast "friend" even without the help of the app. We are also revisited by a family of birds that we really thought we were done with.