Jul 25, 2019
A feeding frenzy by definition is when there is so much food that a group becomes aggressive in their pursuit of the food. This can be interpreted in a few ways, and this week we see many of them. A baby vs a grown man duel to see who can eat more on a plane. A lil man fights everybody while surrounded by bagels. A...
Jul 18, 2019
This week we recorded in the Nectar Sunglasses warehouse outside of Charleston, SC. We are joined by our favorite local artist and the creative talent behind Revelry Breweries famous can art, Chris Kemp, and Liam Becker Co-Founder of Apis Mercantile. We also get a peek behind the scenes of the winding road that Sean...
Jul 11, 2019
Despite the outcome of last weeks show we still managed to light some pretty good fireworks, at least until nature shut us down. Netflix was also riding high last week, and now the anti smoking folks have decided to rain on their parade. It seems like you can't win, well unless you are into video games, which that...
Jul 4, 2019
Happy Fourth of July! Here's hoping you already bought your fireworks, because this week we unwittingly shut down the best fireworks stand around. That doesn't mean you can't travel a little further than usual to still find the good stuff, so grab your Miata or Pogo Stick (If they haven't banned scooters where you are...